At our second Town Hall in February we engaged in deep discussions not only about the purpose of church but also about what we believed to be God’s vision for St. Andrew’s. Reverend Liz had us reflect on the internals strengths and weaknesses as well as the external strengths and weaknesses of our church. We shared our thoughts on questions such as:
What are our strengths?
What unique resources and capabilities we posses?
What do others perceive as our weaknesses?
What can we improve give our current situation?
What opportunities are available to us?
What trends or conditions may positively impact us?
What are our competitors doing that may negatively impact us?
After our discussion each table came up with a vision statement which was presented to the group. Reverend Liz managed to see the common elements of each vision shared by groups. As a result, out Vision statement was developed…
St. Andrew’s vision is to be a welcoming and nurturing community using our God given gifts in service to parish, neighbourhood and the world.